Our solutions avoid the lost production caused by relying solely on reservoir drive.
Increased flexibility to reduce capex, extend operational life, reduce energy consumption and improve efficiency.
Accelerate recovery and improve flow rates, allowing you to achieve higher production earlier in the project cycle.
Provide flexible solutions with the highest flowrates and pressure ratio capabilities in the industry
Increase well flow and recoverable reserve with our subsea pumps
Our phase and fluid separation features all-electric control systems to deliver market-leading performance and reliability
Our approach to metering and measurements gives you the information to plan and execute your project from the very beginning, with data driving decisions every step of the way
Subsea water injection is a resource-efficient field development strategy for enhanced oil recovery, providing effective pressure support to reservoirs where needed
Cover the full spectrum of fluid sampling, from collecting samples at the seafloor to reporting the final results
We design and manufacture world-leading processing control systems
This collaborative engagement digitally connects cross-functional domains through agile teams and gives you the platform to optimize and accelerate your subsea developments
Our agile approach assures that the right building blocks are placed on the sea bed–on-time and on budget–to begin production safely and efficiently
Our approach to metering and measurements gives you the information to plan and execute your project from the very beginning, with data driving decisions every step of the way
Subsea processing increases production for new field developments, tiebacks, and existing facilities alike
Our umbilicals provide power and controls to subsea processing and boosting systems
OneSubsea engineers, produces and delivers swivel stacks and fluid transfer systems featuring compact designs and innovative technology, providing our customers with compact and highly integrated solutions
We’ve been at the forefront of subsea for decades because we put our customers first. Here are some of the ways we can help you.
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